New And Events

The ceremony of signing a memorandum of understanding with the use of modern technology and innovation to develop the work of surveying - measuring and creating land maps, land use planning and the land price evaluation system of the Lao People's Liberation Army.



The Department of Land together with enterprises use modern land management technology. On 26 January  2023, at the Land Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Mr. Virana Sonnasin, Director of the Land Department, together with Mr. PhuKham Vongvichit, the President of Spaceeyelao Limited, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the use of modern technology and innovation to develop land surveying and land mapping, land use planning and land evaluation systems of the Lao PDR, with Mr. Aitthiphon Chanthamalin, Deputy Director of the Land Department, Mr. Cheng Xiaoyang Spaceeyelao is the only person participating as a witness

The head of the Department of Lands said: In the past, the Department of Lands and Spaceeyelao Company Limited have conducted a pilot project to survey and measure the land and create a land map using the company’s modern tool system in 4 target villages in Hartxaifong District, Vientiane Capital, which has been successful and has potential in modern land management because in the past the public sector still has many restrictions in carrying out the work. Therefore, in this cooperation, it will facilitate the survey-measurement and creation of land maps, land use planning and land valuation system in the Lao PDR correctly, accurately and quickly in modern management and administration and will start to be implemented after signing the memorandum of understanding.

   On the same occasion, Mr. Cheng Xiaoyang also said: Spaceeyelao Company Limited is an enterprise that has experience in using modern tools and has a knowledge base in land surveying for various projects. It has seen the strategic plan of the Department of Land, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, so we proposed to discuss and agree to use modern technology in surveying by the company providing equipment for surveying, measuring and creating a complete set of land maps. Spaceeyelao is a company that uses modern technology to survey-measure and create land maps by using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in surveying to create a Base Map, using the IPAD system to inquire about rights as digital data and using GNSS RTK in surveying and collecting land data.              

🐇 新年快乐🐇
🐇 Happy Chinese New Year 2023 🐇
🐇 Happy Chinese New Year 2023 🐇
On the occasion of Chinese New Year (Chinese New Year), 23 January  2023, I wish all customers good health, happiness and success in their work.
And may our company’s business prosper year after year.


Colorful Sport Event

      The colorful Sports Event organized on January 2023 is a friendly football event between the Spaceeyelao Company, the National Geographic Department and the Mapping and Survey Center to create unity to celebrate the International New Year 2023.

     In the event, with Mr. Sikhai Sorsiribounma, Head of Mapping Department, Dr. Kongkham Suriya, Head of Surveying and Mapping Center and Mr. Cheng Xiaoyang, Vice President of Spaceeyelao Company Limited, there were 45 guests who participated in the friendly football activity to build unit

Department of water supply, Ministry of public works and Transportation

    The Water Supply and Sanitation Project (WSSP) will improve and implement the Provincial Water Project (PNP) and expand access to meet the needs of clean and safe water supply for urban residents in approximately 11 small towns in Laos. This will be the improvement and coordination of various sectors for the implementation of policies, expanding the existing water supply system in the provincial municipalities, developing new water supply systems in small towns;  It enhances the community’s performance in water and sanitation response and strengthens project implementation, operation and maintenance (O&M). WSSP is ADB’s Water Supply Sector Project supported by ADB in Lao PDR, following the Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (STWSP).

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  • 21 December 2022
Lao Digital Week 2022 at the National Assembly Hall in Vientiane

    The opening ceremony of the  Lao Digital Week 2022 was officially opened in the afternoon of 21 December 2022, at the National Assembly Hall (Main 6) in Vientiane, with the honor of His Excellency Mr. Ban Kham Viphawan, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Party, Prime Minister of the Lao PDR, with Mr. Pandit S. No Viengkham Vongdala, Party Central Committee, Minister of Technology and Communications, Ministers, Provincial Governors, Deputy Ministers, Deputy Governors, Ambassadors, representatives of international organizations in Lao PDR along with department stores and a large number of invited guests.


    On the occasion of the opening speech, Mr. Bondit JS. Viengkham Vongdala, Minister of Technology and Communications, said: The Lao Digital Week 2022 is the first digital festival of our country, which the Ministry of Technology and Communications has joined forces with the sponsoring companies, ministries, sectors and enterprises to be held in the midst of an atmosphere where the entire party, the entire Lao people are creating work to celebrate the 47th anniversary of the National Day of December 02 and the birthday of President Phomkaison. 102 year anniversary in a lavish manner. This Lao Digital Week will be held from 21-25 December  2022.

    At the National Assembly Hall under the slogan: “Society-wide cooperation for digitization” with the aim of promoting the public sector, private sector, companies and legal entities operating in ICT, telecommunications and digital technology to have the opportunity to display their digital products, services and innovations. At the same time, to exchange information, experience in the development of the technology and communication sector as a platform to provide knowledge to civil servants, businessmen, students, students and the public by organizing seminars, various trainings and digital competitions.


     Spaceeyelao Co., Ltd. participated in the event to exhibit products and disseminate business information such as smart equipment, use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UVA), satellite images and demonstrations of equipment use techniques. There is also participation in playing activities and exchanging ideas with the younger students who came to participate in this event to be used in the field of education and self-development in order to have more knowledge and skills.

     Spaceyelao Co., Ltd. participated in the event to exhibit products and disseminate business information such as smart equipment, use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UVA), satellite images and demonstrations of equipment use techniques.       There is also participation in playing activities and exchanging ideas with the younger students who came to participate in this event to be used in the field of education and self-development in order to have more knowledge and skills.

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The Opening Lao National CORS Network

     On the 16th of September in Vientiane, Lao PDR, a ceremony was held for the establishment of the Continuous Measurement Reference Station (CORS) in the Xaysetha Comprehensive Development Zone, which was attended by the Chinese Ambassador to the Lao PDR, Mr. Li Wei Son, Deputy Director of the National Mapping Department of China, Mr. Thongchan Manixai, the Deputy Minister of the Interior of Laos, Mr. Buast Souvanatukman, the Director of the National Mapping Department of the Lao Ministry of the Interior, and the Chairman of Spekeyang Company , the heads of relevant departments, representatives from Chinese enterprises in Laos and more than 100 companies.
    Mr. Boua Souwana Toman, director of the National Mapping Department of the Lao Ministry of Interior, said: Under the support of the Chinese government, the Continuous Measurement Reference Station (CORS) The comprehensive development zone of Xayset Tha has been completed and started to be used, which has helped to build the strength of the National Mapping Department of Laos in the management of survey work and the technical services of the national measurement network to be one step further to be equal to the international level, will contribute an important part to the creation of the social economy to be strong and progressive, making the National Mapping Department of Laos as well as the people of Laos benefit a lot In terms of development.
    Mr. Li Weison, Deputy Director of China’s National Mapping Department, said: The construction of the first continuous measurement reference station (CORS) this time is the most important and meaningful event, a sign that the continuous measurement reference station (CORS) has been officially used. After the completion of the system, it will be able to meet the use of navigation maps, capture high-precision positions, can be used in construction work, meteorological and disaster emergency work, control and guidance work, etc. In addition, the system can also increase the dissemination of resource information services to the world.

    The National Mapping Department of the People’s Republic of China is pleased to continue cooperation at the international level with the National Mapping Department of the Ministry of Interior of the People’s Republic of Laos. At the same time, it will also cooperate with many of its stakeholders to develop surveying work and create maps of each local ministry, private companies, scientific organizations and research together to build the Silk Road project to develop the social economy of the People’s Republic of Laos.
     The CORS station located in Vientiane City Comprehensive Development Zone is the first station to be built and installed in Laos, as well as a symbol of Lao-China cooperation for surveying and mapping. The two sides will continue to complete the construction of 40 stations according to the plan, including 6 stations in Vientiane capital, 1-2 stations in other provinces. In order to meet the requirements of the Lao side, the National Mapping Department of China has assigned the task to the Bureau of Survey, Measurement and Mapping of Yunnan Province, China to help build the station for the Lao side, Specailao Company Limited and the China SNP Company is a joint investment company in the construction.

 The exchange of gifts between Mr. Buat Souwan Toman, Director of the National Mapping Department of the Ministry of the Interior of Laos, and Mr. Li Weison, Deputy Director of the National Mapping Department of the People’s Republic of China and various parties.

The CORS station located in Vientiane City Comprehensive Development Zone is the first station to be built and installed in Laos, as well as a symbol of Lao-China cooperation for surveying and mapping. 

The two sides will continue to complete the construction of 40 stations according to the plan, including 6 stations in Vientiane capital, 1-2 stations in other provinces. 

In order to meet the needs of the Lao side, the National Mapping Department of China has assigned the task to the Bureau of Survey, Measurement and Mapping of Yunnan Province, China to help build the station for the Lao side, Specail Lao Company Limited and the China SNP Co., Ltd. is a joint investment company in the construction.

In addition, the Lao National Mapping Department has also awarded a technical certificate for the construction and installation of Continuous Reference Station (CORS) to Space Eye Lao Sole Co., LTD.

   Also at the event, SOUTH company also presented the Unmanned aerial photography aircraft (UAV) SkyCruiser AS1200 and SkyWalker-8 rotor for the guests to see.

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