
The Department of Land together with enterprises use modern land management technology. On 26 January 2023, at the Land Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Mr. Virana Sonnasin, Director of the Land Department, together with Mr. PhuKham Vongvichit, the President of Spaceeyelao Limited, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the use of modern technology and innovation to develop land surveying and land mapping, land use planning and land evaluation systems of the Lao PDR, with Mr. Aitthiphon Chanthamalin, Deputy Director of the Land Department, Mr. Cheng Xiaoyang Spaceeyelao is the only person participating as a witness

The head of the Department of Lands said: In the past, the Department of Lands and Spaceeyelao Company Limited have conducted a pilot project to survey and measure the land and create a land map using the company’s modern tool system in 4 target villages in Hartxaifong District, Vientiane Capital, which has been successful and has potential in modern land management because in the past the public sector still has many restrictions in carrying out the work. Therefore, in this cooperation, it will facilitate the survey-measurement and creation of land maps, land use planning and land valuation system in the Lao PDR correctly, accurately and quickly in modern management and administration and will start to be implemented after signing the memorandum of understanding.
On the same occasion, Mr. Cheng Xiaoyang also said: Spaceeyelao Company Limited is an enterprise that has experience in using modern tools and has a knowledge base in land surveying for various projects. It has seen the strategic plan of the Department of Land, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, so we proposed to discuss and agree to use modern technology in surveying by the company providing equipment for surveying, measuring and creating a complete set of land maps. Spaceeyelao is a company that uses modern technology to survey-measure and create land maps by using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in surveying to create a Base Map, using the IPAD system to inquire about rights as digital data and using GNSS RTK in surveying and collecting land data.